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Honor Wall

Honoring Julia Hill

Honoring Julia Hill

Julia! I cannot wait to hug you and meet those tiny humans. You have had a remarkable year — making people, saving lives. Thank you for being a healthcare hero, and more than that, thank you for being a great friend. Submitted by Allison Kooser

Honoring Terah Emerson

Honoring Terah Emerson

Terah, thank you for being the best pal and the best mom. How you've worked and raised two tiny humans and cooked another human during this crazy year is beyond me. You are a total rockstar and I'm amazed! Thanks for inspiring me! Submitted by Allison Kooser

Honoring Shelly Belk

Honoring Shelly Belk

Shelly, you are the definition of the word strong. You not only show strength as a mother and business owner, but you’re actually the strongest person I know. I’m proud to honor you and all that you have built for you and your fam. You are an inspiration for all of...

Honoring Bridget Nicholl

Honoring Bridget Nicholl

Bridget, I’m so proud to celebrate you this year and recognize the amazing human that you are. Knowing you and witnessing the love and energy you bring into the world has been a true honor. Submitted by Ian Haisley

Honoring Ellie Erickson

Honoring Ellie Erickson

    Ellie - my forever sister-friend. Watching you figure out how to care for students through a screen this year has been remarkable. I literally do not know how you do it. Those kids are lucky to have you in their corner — and I am even luckier to have you...

Honoring Carma Kuhn

Honoring Carma Kuhn

My mom is the most amazing woman I know. She raised three kids, then went back to school and now has her own business. She taught me that I can do anything I put my mind to—and today I honor her! Submitted by Rebekah Kondrat

Honoring Shauna Anthony

Honoring Shauna Anthony

Shauna is incredibly loyal, encouraging, humble, strong, confident and kind. She has always gone out of her way for others, whether it’s driving 45 mins to pick someone up who doesn’t have a car, making a meal for a friend, or staying up late to talk. It’s an honor...

Honoring Pam Mycoskie

Honoring Pam Mycoskie

Pam goes above and beyond for everyone she loves. And she loves deeply. Whether it's her husband of over 40 years, her amazing kids and grand kids, or a stranger she meets on the way, Pam embodies intentional, beautiful love. Submitted by Amy Dominguez

Honoring Claire Tondreau

Honoring Claire Tondreau

Claire lights up any room with her infectious laugh and wonderful sense of humor. Her innate sense of altruism is exemplary. She is a caring, focused listener. Claire has encouraged and inspired me to challenge myself. I’m so grateful for your friendship, Claire!...

Honoring Cynthia Colledge

Honoring Cynthia Colledge

My mom is incredibly strong as so many moms are. She sacrificed willingly for me, taught me fight and independence, and has always been my biggest support. We are close friends and caretakers or each other these days. Thank you Mom. I can’t imagine having any other....